
To anchor with the client in the vision that’s emerging, utilizing all of the tools necessary to see it through to its clearest and most powerful form.


Carl Studna believes that all things in life contain their own unique flavor and mode of expression. “The medium of photography reveals the presence of grace, beauty and wisdom through the lens of the camera. Every shoot, whether it be a person, product, landscape or activity offers the opportunity to see and imprint the true essence that is present. Cultivating an atmosphere of trust is the most essential ingredient in working with clients.”

Over the years, Carl has come to recognize that the light we’re drawn to in a striking, illuminated photograph or painting is the very same light we’re drawn to within ourselves or others. When photographing people, Carl believes that every “CLICK”  of the camera represents, in each moment, a choice point to either be fully present, engaged and reflecting your unique essence or to get caught up in some level of fear, known as self-judgment, doubt, or confusion. Carl combines his gift for taking superb photographs with his skills of bringing out the light that resides within each and every one of us.

Studna’s crew ranging from assistants, to makeup artists, to sylists are all anchored in an attitude of service. Showing up as a true professional not only means being extremely skilled but also holding a collective vision for the highest good of the project and of all concerned.