Portrait Photography

Photo by Alexis Evelyn/Gaiam



Carl Studna is a world renowned, multifaceted portrait photographer whose three decades of commercial shooting cover the spectrum of musicians, authors, celebrities, corporate, advertising and fine art. Studna’s intimate portraits of influential people are known worldwide and have graced publications ranging from Time Magazine to Rolling Stone.

What makes Carl’s portraits distinct is the level of soulful presence that projects through the subject’s eyes or through the sensitive artistry in the composition. Studna has mastered the ability to help people fully show up and be seen through the camera lens living in their fullest expression of power and authenticity, that resting place where they are the most alive, reflecting back their wisdom, beauty and light.

“Carl’s photographs are sumptuous. He seems to capture a unique essence in people in a flattering, artful and memorable way. The photo sessions he runs are calming, productive and enjoyable. You always know you are in good hands when it’s a Carl Studna session and that you will have fantastic shots with tons of viable options.” ~ Doug Haverty, Independent Design Professional

“Carl — Your photography is wonderful. Some of it is extraordinary. I love how you captured Timothy Leary. Laura Huxley stayed at my house once and your photos of her brought back wonderful memories. I’ve never met Joan Borysenko–I love her work–but after seeing your picture, I now want to meet her. I loved your pregnancy photos and the one with the father and son nude looking out over a boat railing. Very nice work! I am honored to be portrayed by you with others whom I so respect and value as great teachers–Ram Dass, the Dalai Lama, David Whyte and so on. It’s a real privilege. Great work.” ~ Much love – Jack (Canfield)

“Carl Studna is the finest photographer with which I’ve ever had the pleasure of working. As a corporate creative director, I’m faced with a variety of challenging shoots… from busy and demanding executive’s head shots, to trying to create corporate imagery that rises above the typical stock photography. Carl can bring the most difficult and challenging subject out of their shell and capture the “person” inside. He can make the most difficult shots seem easy. On top of all this, Carl is simply one of the finest individuals I’ve ever known and I’m happy to give him my highest recommendation.” ~ Jon Nedry, Creative Director, Experian

“All photographers are not made equal. A great photo takes a gifted photographer, expertise, and a talent for keeping the subject relaxed and having fun. Carl has it all.” ~ Kenny Loggins

“Carl, I am very impressed with your work. They’re the best pictures of me in years, and I thank you for them. There are about six or eight that I like a lot, which is a very high average, I think, and there are two that I like even better than the initial one we picked out. Thanks again. I hope we see you again before too long.”
~ All the best Alan (Arkin)