Photography Playshop
With Carl Studna, MA
I will be offering a small, in-depth and experiential photography playshop at my mountain studio this spring (about 45 minutes from Denver). The day will cover how we open our field of perception to the inner and outer light.
- Enhance your portrait and scenic vision
- Nature walk on pristine horse trails
- Learn and use two of my favorite phone camera apps for added looks and effects
- Practice using photography as a meditation
- Feeling into each sacred moment of the CLICK
- Having fun, individually and as a group!
You will receive a greater understanding of how the camera works allowing you to get more shots that actually match what your inner vision sees and is wishing to convey. You will be given the personal support to ensure that you gain the clarity and comfort needed to use this marvelous instrument in a way that anchors you in greater familiarity, allowing you to fully express your unique vision.
Join me and explore the beauty and rich opportunities within this most wonderful medium.
Registration is limited to eight and ends on March 10th.
All The Best,
Carl Studna
- Dates: Saturday, April 15th
- Time: 9am – 5pm
- Cost: $500
- Contact: [email protected] – (303) 359-7797